Product Detail Pane

The product detail pane is used to set product values.

The Product Detail Pane can be accessed in Architecture, Three Column,  and Matrix Views

To access the Product Detail Pane:

  1. Select a product
  2. Open the detail pane
  3. To edit, select the Edit button, select the Done button when finished

The Product Detail Pane has four tabs:

The product name can be edited at the top of the detail pane

Activities Tab:

Activities are created using this tab:

As activities are created and updated their display in the Architecture view will update automatically.

Selecting the activity icon  will navigate to that activity.


Units Tab:

The Units tab allows converting one unit type to another with a factor so that the product's progress can be measured in a single progress unit. When this function is used typically all activities' units are converted to a progress unit that makes sense for the product rather than trying to convert some activities to match others.